Author: Shaikh Muhammad bin Jameel Zainoo
Source: The Methodology of the Saved Sect (trans. Abu Nasir)
Those who believe and do not mix their belief with dhulm, they are those upon whom is security and they are the rightly guided. [6:82]
From 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood, who said: When this verse was revealed, some Muslims began to grieve, and said: 'Which of us does not do dhulm (oppression) to his soul?' The Messenger of Allaah said: "It is not that, verily it is shirk, have you not heard the saying of Luqmaan to his son:
Oh my Son! Do not make shirk with Allaah. Verily, shirk is a great dhulm. [31:13] [Bukhari and Muslim]